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Everything you Need to Know about TRA Type Approval in UAE

TRA Type Approval in UAE

· TRA Type Approval

TRA introduced type Approval for the purpose of registering all telecommunication equipment used in the UAE. It is mandatory for Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (RTTE) to comply with technical regulations and specifications before it can be supplied and used in the UAE.

Type Approval was introduced in the UAE to facilitate easy access to the telecommunication market and to maintain consumer’s safety of the equipment. Here is everything you need to know about TRA Type Approval in the UAE.

Everything you Need to Know about TRA Type Approval in UAE
What is TRA Type Approval?

Type Approval is a process of determining and registering all kinds of telecommunication equipment that are used and brought in the UAE to make sure they don’t cause any short-term damage or interference to the network. According to the TRA Type Approval, all Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (RTTE) have to comply with the technical standards before being used, sold, and distributed in the UAE.

Every RTTE dealer, manufacturer, and importer in the UAE needs to ensure that:

  • The company is registered with the TRA.
  • Type Approval is obtained for the utilization of specific telecommunication equipment in the UAE.
Type Approval Levels

According to the TRA, there are three different Type Approvals for Telecommunications Equipment based on product risk, as follows:

First Level: Declaration of Conformity.

The first level applies to telecommunication equipment of low risk. Under this level of Type Approval the TRA gives the approval on the basis of SDoC with all the essential requirements and equpment’s technical standards.

Second Level: General Equipment Registration

The second level applies to telecommunication equipment with medium risk. Under this approval level, the registered manufacturer or importer of any telecommunication equipment must provide proof of conformity with the required technical standards and a technical test report that must be issued by an ILAC – certified lab. If a certified report is not available, TRA may perform testing in their lab at the expense of the applicant or request testing in a TRA accredited lab.

Third Level: Advance Equipment Registration

The third level of Type Approval is for telecommunication equipment with high risk. Under this level the registered importer or manufacturer of the telecom equipment must provide TRA with proof of conformity that ensures compliance with technical standards. The following documents must also be provided to the authorities:

  • All equipment telecommunication equipment test reports issued by a recognized testing facility/ lab (as defined under article 4.15 and 4.16).
  • Additional equipment technical test reports issued by the telecom equipment National Lab.

As part of the mandatory TRA Type Approval, the manufacturer or the importer of telecom equipment has to provide a sample to the authorities to be approved under the third level.


The following table shows the testing fees for telecommunication equipment in the UAE:


Telecommunication Equipment

Testing Fees (AED)


AED 8100

Performance (IOP)

AED 2100

Mobile Phones (4G)

AED 2600


AED 2700

ISM band & SRD/LPD

AED 1400

Emergency Broadcast – mobile

AED 2100


AED 6100

How to Apply for TRA Approval?

All registered dealers, importers, and manufacturers in the UAE must get a TRA Type Approval for selling, distributing, and using Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (RTTE). A registered dealer has to submit an application for Type Approval by paying the application fee and form available on the official website of the TRA. With the application form, the user must submit the following documents:

  • A Declaration of Conformity
  • Letter of support from manufacturer/ authorized agent.

One application can be used for a wide range of products. However, if products are supplied under different brands, then you must have separate application forms for them.

Before submitting the Declaration of Conformity, make sure it is prepared in compliance with international standards. If your application is all in order, then the registration process takes around two weeks to thirty days. The registration lasts for a period of three years, after which you have to apply for a renewal.

TRA Compliance and Penalties

TRA ensures compliance with the Type Approval in the UAE. Under article 73 of Telecommunication Laws, non-compliance by falsely claiming Type Approval is punishable. According to the law,

“Anyone who manufactures uses sells or offer for sale or use, any Telecommunication Apparatus to be connected to a Public Telecommunication Network, knowing that the telecommunications apparatus has not been approved in accordance with the law, is liable to be punished by either or both of imprisonment for not more than one year and a fine of no more than AED 200,000.”

The same goes for selling and distributing counterfeit mobile phones that don’t go through the Type Approval process.

Are You Complying with TRA Regulations! 

This is all you need to know about TRA Type Approval in the UAE and its significance. If you are a dealer, manufacturer, or importer of telecommunication equipment, then consult a professional today and apply for Type Approval as soon as possible to avoid hefty penalties and closure of the business. There are many telecommunication and Technology management companies in UAE that provide expert advice to manufacturers, dealers, and importers of RTTE with respect to Type Approval. Consult these professionals today to ensure compliance with TRA regulations.

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